Introduction to Math Modeling

Textbook: College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, 3rd
Edition, Harshbarger/Yocco or you can buy just MyMathLab code.

Practice Questions: Test One

Sections to be covered:

1.1: Functions and Models
1.2 Graphs of Functions
1.3 Linear Functions
1.4 Equations of Lines

2.1 Algebraic and Graphical Solution of Equations
2.2 Fitting Lines to Data Points: Modeling Linear Functions
2.3 System of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Test One on chapter 1-2

3.1 Quadratic Functions ; Parabolas.
3.2 Solving Quadratic Equations
3.3 Piecewise – Defined Functions and Power Functions
3.4 Quadratic and Power Models

Test Two on Chapter 3

3 5.1 Exponential Functions

5.2 Logarithmic Functions ; Properties of Logarithms
5.3 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
5.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Models
5.5 Exponential Functions and Investing
5.7 Logistic and Gompertz Functions

Test Three on Chapter 5

5 6.1 Higher-Degree Polynomial Functions

6.2 Modeling with Cubic and Quadratic Functions

Final (is cumulative!)

Prerequisites: Two years of High School Algebra or equivalent.

Note: Students who do not satisfy the prerequisites should see me as soon as possible.

Office Hours: MWF 12:50 pm- 1:50 pm, TR 11:30 am – 01:00pm or by appointment all in my
office MP 3036.

Calculator: A TI-83 or TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus calculator is required for the course. Sharing
of calculators on tests or final will not be permitted.

Course Description:
The course introduces mathematical modeling using graphical,
numerical , symbolic, and verbal techniques to describe and explore real-world data and
phenomena. One studies the investigation and analysis of applied problems and questions, and
effective communication of quantitative concepts and results. Topics include linear, quadratic,
polynomial, exponential and logarithmic models of real-world phenomena. This course is
suggested as an alternative to College Algebra to satisfy area A core curriculum requirements
designed for students who do not need a calculus preparatory mathematics course.

Course Objectives:

The student will:
1. be able to use mathematical models to quantify real life situations.
2. understand mathematics as an art of exploring, seeking patterns, making guesses,
checking, revising, and generalizing.
3. improve algebraic skills by using algebra to describe and analyze situations.
4. understand effective uses of technology in problems-solving.

You MUST have an access
code and course ID (will be provided in class) to be able to do homework and quizzes. The
code is packaged free with a new textbook, or it can be purchased separately at the bookstore

TEST/Final: We will have three in-class one hour exams, and a two hours final exam. Test
dates will be announced in class ahead of time. Final exam will be cumulative.

Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend every class. Attendance will be taken and
recorded. Your instructor will add 2% to your final average if you DO NOT miss more than 3
meetings in the semester. If you attend every class, 3% will be added to your final average.
However, instructor reserves the right to deny any credit for the course if you miss more than 6

Extra points: You will earn extra points for good questions/comments. Please, be participative.

Grades: Grade will be determined as following:

Assignments: 10%,
Quizzes: 10%,
Tests: 60%,
Final Exam: 20%.
Total Possible: 100%

Grading System:
89.5% -100% = A,
79.5% -89.4% =B,
69.5%-79.4% =C,
59.5%-69.4% = D,
and Less than 59.5% = F.

Make-up Policy: No make-up tests/quizzes will be given. If you are absent on the test day,
and you have a valid reason for being absent (very sick, family emergency, etc.), and you have
documentation for being absent (doctor’s note, legal documents, etc.), then your grade on the
final exam will replace the missed test grade. Only one missed test will be replaced by the final

Academic Dishonesty: Any student who exhibits academic dishonesty in any form will receive
a failing grade (F) for the entire course and will be reported to the University Judicial Officer.
Storing unauthorized programs or information in your calculator is considered cheating.

Civility Statement: Each student is expected to follow the Student’s Code of Conduct, with
regarding appropriate behavior in the classroom. Inappropriate behavior includes any activity
that may detract from your fellow classmates’ learning experience or in the instructor’s ability
to conduct class. Electronic devices such as cellular phones, pagers, and media players must be
off while the student is in the classroom.

Disability Policy: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability, which may
affect your performance in this class, please contact the Student Disability Resource Center as
soon as possible. The Center will determine appropriate accommodations based on testing and
medical documentation.

Additional Help: The Academic Success Center offers free peer tutoring during the week.
Contact the tutorial centers for exact hours at (912) 478-5371 .

Important Dates:

September 7 Labor Day Holiday ( No classes)

Oct 12, Last day to withdraw without academic penalty

Nov 23-27, Thanks Giving Holiday

December 4 Last day of classes

December 7 Final Exam, Section A (8:00 am Class), 7:30am- 9:30am

December 9 Final Exam, Section B (9:00 am class), 7:30am- 9:30am

December 7 Final Exam, Section Z ( 12:00 pm class), 12:30pm- 2:30pm

Final Note: The contents of this syllabus are as complete and accurate as possible. The
instructor reserves the right to make any changes necessary to the syllabus and course material.
The instructor will make every effort to inform the students of changes as they occur. It is the
responsibility of the student to know what changes have been made in order to successfully
complete the requirements of the course.

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