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Book Reviews

Review of Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Models

Reviewed by Tera, from CA
This book does not have many examples to learn from and what they do have do not make it clear on how to procede with working out the equation. I strongly suggest that you buy the solutions manual for this book if you are able to locate it.

Review of Fundamentals of College Algebra: Graphs and Models with Graphing Calculator Manual

Editorial review
Marvin Bittinger For over thirty years Professor Marvin L. Bittinger has been teaching math at the university level. Since 1968 he has been employed as a professor of mathematics education at Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis. Professor Bittinger has authored 159 publications on topics ranging from Basic Mathematics to Algebra and Trigonometry to Brief Calculus. He received his BA in Mathematics from Manchester College in 1963 and his PhD in Mathematics Education from Purdue University in 1968. Special honors include being Distinguished Visiting Professor at the United States Air Force Academy and being elected to the Manchester College Board of Trustees from 1992 to 1999. His hobbies include hiking, baseball, golf, and bowling and he enjoys membership in the Professional Bowler's Association and the Society for the Advancement of Baseball Research. Professor Bittinger has also had the privilege of speaking at a recent mathematics convention giving a lecture entitled, Baseball and Mathematics. In addition, he also has an interest in philosophy and theology, in particular, apologetics. Professor Bittinger currently lives in Carmel, Indiana with his wife Elaine. He has two grown and married sons, Lowell and Chris, and three grandchildren.Judy Beecher has an undergraduate degree in mathematics fromIndiana University and a graduate degree in mathematics fromPurdue University. She has taught at both the high school andcollege levels with many years of developmental math and precalculusteaching experience at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Inaddition to her career in textbook publishing,she spends time reading, traveling, attending the theater, and promotingcharity projects for a children's camp.David Ellenbogen has been teaching community college mathematics for over twenty years. Born in Weehawken New Jersey, David graduated with honors from Bates College. After teaching high school mathematics for two years, David earned a masters degree from the University of Massachusetts. He has taught at Greenfield Community College and Cape Cod Community College in Massachusetts, as well as, at Saint Michaels College, and The University of Vermont. For the past seven years David has been a part time lecturer for the Community College of Vermont where he has served on their statewide math curriculum committee. Currently residing in Colchester, Vermont, David enjoys playing the piano, downhill skiing, basketball, bicycling, hiking, and coaching. He has two sons and a wolf/husky hybrid.Judy Penna received her undergraduate degree from Kansas State University in mathematics and her graduate degree from the University of Illinois in mathematics. Since then, she has taught at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis and at Butler University, and continues to focus on writing quality textbooks for undergraduates students taking mathematics. In her free time she likes to travel, read, knit and spend time throughout the U.S. with her children.

Review of Elementary Algebra: Concepts and Applications (6th Edition)

Editorial review
This text for a one-term course in elementary algebra is intended for students with a firm background in arithmetic. Problem solving and applications are emphasized. Coverage progresses from algebraic expressions and equations and inequalities to quadratic equations. New to this edition are sections on connecting concepts, study tips, and exercises designed to foster intuitive problem solving for particular types of problems. Other new material includes a "gentle" introduction to interpolation and extrapolation, and expanded material on rates and units. Bittinger teaches at Indiana University. Ellenbogen teaches at Community College of Vermont.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Reviewed by Jennifer Samples, from San Dimas, California USA
The problems given in this book were very easy to understand. The author shows step by step how to do the given problems and the answers are refferenced in the back. I always used how the book did the problems, not the teacher's way. I am always coming back to this book to refresh my math skills.

Review of Intermediate Algebra (3rd Edition)

Editorial review
This textbook encourages conceptual reasoning to prepare students for college-level math courses. Topics include polynomials and factoring, functions and graphs, radical expressions, logarithmic functions, and sequences and series. The third edition adds sections on interpolation and extrapolation, and the connection between rate of change and graphing.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Reviewed by dallasellis@hotmail.com, from Florida
This book is not all you get. The book itself is great. But the additional FREE helps which come with the book assure that even the most inept math student can learn algebra. These helps consist of, but are not limited to:1) free tutoring via phone,email,& fax; 2)free practice problems via internet website. Other supplemental materials consist of: Videotapes, Tutorial Software, and a solutions manual. These are all available for the student. I haven't even mentioned the benefits that a classroom teacher has through the Instructor Supplements. These consist of a Test Bank/Instructor's Guide, extra practice problems, mtls for transparencies, video tape index, and several tools for the computer users: test generator, test grader,on-line course management and testing. In other words, this is a great resource for teachers also. I am in the processing of trying to purchase it for my school.

Review of A Graphical Approach to College Algebra (3rd Edition)

Editorial review
John Hornsby- When John Hornsby enrolled as an undergraduate at Louisiana State University, he was uncertain whether he wanted to study mathematics, education, or journalism. His ultimate decision was to become a teacher, but after twenty-five years of teaching at the high school and university levels and ten years of writing mathematics textbooks, both of his goals have been realized. His love for teaching and for mathematics is evident in his passion for working with students and fellow teachers as well. His specific professional interests are recreational mathematics, mathematics history, and incorporating graphing calculators into the curriculum.John's personal life is busy as he devotes time to his family (wife Gwen, and sons Chris, Jack, and Josh). He has been a rabid baseball fan all of his life. John's other hobbies include numismatics (the study of coins) and record collecting. He loves the music of the 1960s and has an extensive collection of the recorded works of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.Marge Lial was always interested in math; it was her favorite subject in the first grade! Marge's intense desire to educate both her students and herself has inspired the writing of numerous best-selling textbooks. Marge, who received Bachelor's and Master's degrees from California State University at Sacramento, is now affiliated with American River College.Marge is an avid reader and traveler. Her travel experiences often find their way into her books as applications, exercise sets, and feature sets. She is particularly interested in archeology. Trips to various digs and ruin sites have produced some fascinating problems for her textbooks involving such topics as the building of Mayan pyramids and the acoustics of ancient ball courts in the Yucatan.Gary Rockswold- Dr. Gary Rockswold has been teaching mathematics for 25 years at all levels from seventh grade to graduate school, including junior high and high school students, talented youth, vocational, undergraduate, and graduate students, and adult education classes. He is currently employed at Minnesota State University, Mankato, where he is a full professor of mathematics and the chair of the mathematics department. He graduated with majors in mathematics and physics from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Iowa State University. He has an interdisciplinary background and has also taught physical science, astronomy, and computer science.Dr. Rockswold has been writing for mathematics textbooks for over ten years. Currently he is an author for Addison Wesley, writing textbooks that integrate modeling, visualization, applications, and the graphing calculator into the curriculum.

Reviewed by Anita C. Bryant, from Moore Haven, FL USA
As a Mathematics major, I have been subjected to the good, the bad & the ugly when it comes to textbooks. Of my mathematics texts, Hornsby & Lial definitely rise above the pack.

Reviewed by Pamela Chernovetz, from Hamden, Connecticut
I own four text books by Hornsby and Lial. Their books have been the colleges choice for two courses I've taken and my choice as a reference and backup to the other courses I've had. I wouldn't be without them. When a topic was unclear in my college text, I could refer to their presentation and always gain a better understanding of the subject. I totally disagree with the reader from Florida regarding graphing calculators. I own two, a TI-82 and a TI-86, and had no experience prior to taking a particular course. The instructor was able to guide and teach all that was needed for the course without loss of material to be covered. The engineer from Florida needs to take a closer look at his students. Most of these people have been mastering electronic games and equipment from a very early age. I doubt that they would find plain 'ole graph paper and a pencil more stimulating and interesting. I'm a 52 year old grandmother and I sure don't. Hornsy and Lial get my vote everytime and thanks to on-line ordering, I'm only s few days away from receiving the best they have to offer.

Reviewed by a reader, from Florida
The introduction of a graphing calculator, such as the TI-83, at this level of college course is absolutely confusing and ridiculous. Unless an individual has previously learned the graphing calculator, the student winds up spending more time fighting learning the calculator than learning the algebra. I am a professional engineer of over 15 years experience and have tudored many students in algebra at the college freshman and sophmore level. I cannot recommend such a book or the implementation of such teaching techniques for freshman and sophmore level college algebra courses. Students must learn the basics first, then learn such a beast as the graphing calculator. The TI-83 is much to complex and compounds the struggles of students trying to learn college algebra. College Algebra is already a "beast" to most whom enroll in it. Don't add another level of frustration to the students and aggrevation to the teachers. I dont disagree that the graphical methods should be taught, but use plain 'ole graph paper and a pencil. The web site is totally useless. The Graphing Calculator Manual is not readily available through Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Teachers!!! Please put yourself in the minds of the students. Make learning a positive experience. This book coupled with the Graphing Calculator only puts a bad taste, aggrevation, frustration in a students mind. Make learning a positive experience - DON'T USE THIS BOOK.

Review of College Algebra

Editorial review
(Pearson Education) A two-part packaged set comprised of a college-level algebra textbook and corresponding graphing calculator manual. Both emphasize graphic methods in algebra, with real data applications and an easy-to-follow theme. DLC: Algebra. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Reviewed by Tiger Chan, from Malaysia
I am a Math teacher in Malaysia. I own Bittinger's "Elementaryand Intermediate Algebra" and also "Trigonometry". Judging fromthe books I am using as teaching materials, I can say that theBittinger's team has written some of the best Algebra/Trig/Precalculus textbooks. The explanations are straightforward,clear and the format neat. Their exercise sets are excellent,enough for drill-practice purposes and also challenging ones.In my country American math books are way too expensive becauseits the bad economic condition we are having in my country thatbuying of American books is a luxury. I am not able to acquireBittinger's "College Algebra" yet, hopefully I will be able tosee a copy in the future. In their series, the Bittinger teamhas produced their Intermediate Algebra text worth using and Ibelieve this "College Algebra" title would guarantee that the team has produced a text that will not disappoint us. I would strive to get a copy myself one day and I am very sureI will not regret owning it anyway.

Reviewed by manlyjade@hotmail.com, from Salt Lake City, Utah
Shame on the authors for taking advantage of college students. This is extortion! I assume that the authors are college instructors. C'mon folks, we know you don't make that much money, but why take it out on the students? This book is an introduction to college math, not an introduction to nuclear science!!! Most university students don't make this much money in a week. I recommend that university instructors stop using overpriced text books such as this one. There are quite a few good college math books on the market, most more reasonably priced than this one! I certainly won't be using this book with any of my students.

Review of Introductory Algebra (9th Edition)

Editorial review
Marvin Bittinger- For over thirty years Professor Marvin L. Bittinger has been teaching math at the university level. Since 1968 he has been employed as a professor of mathematics education at Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis. Professor Bittinger has authored 159 publications on topics ranging from Basic Mathematics to Algebra and Trigonometry to Brief Calculus. He received his BA in Mathematics from Manchester College in 1963 and his PhD in Mathematics Education from Purdue University in 1968. Special honors include being Distinguished Visiting Professor at the United States Air Force Academy and being elected to the Manchester College Board of Trustees from 1992 to 1999. His hobbies include hiking, baseball, golf, and bowling and he enjoys membership in the Professional Bowler's Association and the Society for the Advancement of Baseball Research. Professor Bittinger has also had the privilege of speaking at a recent mathematics convention giving a lecture entitled, Baseball and Mathematics. In addition, he also has an interest in philosophy and theology, in particular, apologetics. Professor Bittinger currently lives in Carmel, Indiana with his wife Elaine. He has two grown and married sons, Lowell and Chris, and three grandchildren.

Reviewed by Jorge L Marti Jr., from Hialeah, FL USA
Great process, got the book on time and in perfect condition!!

Review of College Algebra (3rd Edition)

Editorial review
Mark Dugopolski was born in Menominee, Michigan. After receiving a B.S. from Michigan State University, he taught high school for four years, and then went on to receive an M.S. in mathematics from Northern Illinois University. He also received a Ph.D. in the area of topology from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, and ever since, Mark has been teaching at Southeastern Louisiana in Hammond, LA. He has been writing textbooks for about fifteen years. He is married and has two daughters, and enjoys playing tennis, jogging, and riding his bicycle in his spare time. Despite the presence of sailboats both on and in his precalculus textbooks, Mark does not sail-- it's his passion for showing students how mathematics is used in the real world that led him to the world of sailing.

Review of Intermediate Algebra

Editorial review
This textbook reviews the mathematical symbols and operations of algebra, and reinforces function and graphing concepts for future courses. The authors cover polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic equations, and both linear and nonlinear systems. The eighth edition introduces functions and graphs of linear equations earlier in the text.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

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