Read Your Textbook
Complete the reading before the lecture; record definitions in your notes; look at the way questions are worded.

Make Flashcards for Math Facts , Solution Steps , Formulas, and Math Vocabulary
There is a lot of memorization to accomplish in math ; use mnemonics for steps in solutions like Daddy, mother, sister, brother for the steps to solve a long division problem (Divide, multiply, subtract, bring down), and make flashcards to memorize formulas and math vocabulary. The terms in math are unique and may have a different meaning when being used in other subjects.

Take Good Notes in Class
Write down all examples and explanations

Ask Questions During Class
Never leave class feeling confused (stay after to speak to your instructor if necessary).

Do Your Homework
Even if the instructor doesn’t always collect it! Expect to spend 2-3 hours
for every one hour of lecture doing your math homework . This practice is
invaluable to learning the information and to making it “stick” in your
memory bank.

Review Your Notes Before Starting Your Homework
This will help eliminate confusion .

Follow These Steps on Your Homework :
 •Show your work.
 •Check your answers using the methods taught in class before checking the answers in the back of the book.
 •When you come to a problem that gives you trouble, review your lecture notes and the text. If you are still unable to do the problem, ask your tutor or teacher. Get help. Do not ignore the problem.

Investigate Available Help Early
Don’t wait to find a tutor, join a study group , or talk to your instructor.

Avoid Getting Behind
It’s too hard to catch up and causes unhealthy stress.

Review Daily
Then you’ll be well prepared for tests .

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