Syllabus for Intermediate Algebra
This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of
the instructor.
Course Content: Welcome to Math 098! This course will include chapters 2
– 8.
Math 98 assumes that you have a working knowledge of beginning algebra.
Daily Schedule: Each class will begin with questions from the assigned
homework. Check your homework sheet for specific problems to solve. To
succeed at the study of Intermediate Algebra, you will need to attend class and
come prepared with homework completed. A new topic will be presented on a
daily basis. Attendance is taken on a regular basis.
Homework: Daily homework will be assigned and is to be done outside the
class period. Assigned homework is a beginning point only. Do more problems if
needed to fully understand the concepts. For 1 hour of class time, expect to do
hours of study. Homework that is to be turned in for credit must be on time.
homework assignments will not be accepted without a late voucher. A student is
given two late homework vouchers for the quarter and must follow the rules on
the voucher . Further information on homework that is to be submitted for credit
will be given in class.
Supplies: All work must be done in pencil. Two 8.5
X 11 spiral bound notebooks
are required for this class. A good eraser is a necessity. Graph paper and a
ruler will be needed for work in Chapters 3, 4 and 8. Scientific calculators may
used on all tests and homework. Cell phones are not allowed to be used as a
calculator for tests.
Cell phones: In consideration of others, turn
ringers off and use cell phones
outside of the classroom. All cell phones must be turned off and put away during
test times . Cell phones may not be answered or used during a test.
Tests: Students must be present the day a test is given in class. Make-up
tests will be given only if I am notified within 24 hours of the test and the
has an excuse that is acceptable to me. If a student misses a test and does not
meet the criteria for a make-up test, a grade of “0” will be given. The final
will be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 from 8:00am-10:00am.
Grading: Math 98 is a graded course. The grade will be determined by the
number of points earned from homework submitted for credit, class participation,
and tests. There are approximately between 800 and 900 points possible for this
course. Tests and homework assignments will have a certain number of points.
The number of points earned will be added together at the end of the quarter and
divided by the total number of points possible to determine the percentage
earned. The quarter grade will be based on the following percentages:
percentage | grade point |
![]() below 50 |
![]() No Credit |
Tutoring: Tutoring for Math 98 students is
available in the Math Learning Center.
I urge students to take advantage of the MLC and to form study groups with other
members of the class.
Classroom Etiquette: Math 98 is taught in a college environment. Please
respect other students by allowing a learning environment that is both pleasant
yet mindful of the quiet necessary for others to focus on what the instructor is
teaching. During class, please refrain from any behavior that would be a
distraction for the other students or the instructor.
Math Anxiety Bill of Rights
I have the right to learn at my own pace and not feel put down or stupid
if I’m slower than some one else.
I have the right to view myself as capable of learning math.
I have the right to ask whatever questions I have.
I have the right to ask the teacher or tutor for help.
I have the right to say, “I don’t understand.”
I have the right to fell good about myself regardless of my abilities in the
study of math.
I have the right to be treated as a competent adult.
I have the right to define success in terms of my own goals.
North Seattle Community College Math 098
Intermediate Algebra—Martin-Gay 4th Ed.
Homework Assignments: Unless otherwise stated, the assigned problems are
the odd numbers only. EOO. is ‘every other odd problem’, 1, 5, 9, 13 . .
. .
2.1 | Linear Equations in One Variable | 60-61 | 1 – 19, 23 – 33, 37–77 |
2.2 | An Introduction to Problem Solving | 67 – 73 | 1, 3, 7, 9, EOO: 27-55 |
2.3 | Formulas and Problem Solving | 79 – 82 | 1 – 25, EOO: 29 – 49 |
2.4 |
Linear Inequalities and Problem Solving |
92 – 94 |
EOO: 17 – 53, 57– 85, |
2.5 | Compound Inequalities | 101 – 103 | EOO: 13 – 31, 35 – 65 |
2.6 | Absolute Value Equations | 108 – 109 | EOO: 1 – 71 |
2.7 | Absolute Value Inequalities | 114 – 115 | EOO: 1 – 82 |
Chapter 2 Test | 126 | all problems 1 - 18 | |
3.1 | Graphing Equations | 140 – 141 | 1 – 53 |
3.2 |
Introduction to Functions |
151– 156 |
1 – 9, 23 – 39, 55 – 69,95,97 |
3.3 |
Graphing Linear Functions |
162 – 165 |
1 – 19, 23 – 32, 35 – 59 |
3.4 |
The Slope of a Line |
177-180 |
EOO: 1 – 17, & 45 – 63, 67 – 87 |
3.5 | Equations of Lines | 189 – 192 | EOO: 1 – 81, |
3.6 |
Graphing Linear Inequalities |
198 – 199 |
1 – 11, 23 – 33, 47 – 57 |
Chapter 3 Test | 187 – 188 | 1-20, 22-26 | |
4.1 |
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables |
225 – 227 |
EOO: 1 – 63 |
4.3 |
Systems of Linear Equations and Problem Solving |
243-245 |
1 – 15, & 23,25,35 |
Chapter 4 Test | 270 | 3-9 | |
5.1 | Exponents and Scientific Notation | 282 – 284 | EOO: 1 – 93, 105-121 |
5.2 | More Work with Exponents and Scientific Notation |
289– 291 |
1 – 75 |
5.3 | Polynomials and Polynomial Functions |
300 – 303 |
17 – 87 |
5.4 | Multiplying Polynomials | 311 – 313 | EOO ; 1 – 85, 93 |
5.5 |
The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping |
318-319 |
9 - 65 |
5.6 | Factoring Trinomials | 327-329 | EOO: 1 – 89 |
5.7 |
Factoring by Special Products and Factoring Strategies |
334-335 |
EOO: 1-65 |
5.8 |
Solving Equations by Factoring and Problem Solving |
350 – 352 |
EOO: 1 – 67, 71 - 83 |
Chapter 5 Test | 361 | all problems, 1 – 29 | |
6.1 | Rational Functions and Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions |
372 – 375 |
EOO: 1 – 75 |
6.2 | Adding and subtracting Rational Expressions |
381-383 |
1 – 9, EOO: 27 – 81 |
6.3 | Simplifying Complex Fractions | 389-390 | EOO: 1 – 53 & 55 |
6.4 | Dividing Polynomials | 396-398 | EOO: 1 – 49 & 59 |
6.6 |
Solving Equations Containing Rational Expressions |
408-409 |
1 – 47 & 59,63 |
6.7 |
Rational Equations and Problem Solving |
418-421 |
1-17 & 19, 35,43,55 . |
6.8 | Variation and Problem Solving | 428-431 | 1 – 29 & 31,33 |
Chapter 6 Test | 442 | 1 – 14, 17-25 | |
7.1 | Radicals and Radical Functions | 453 – 455 | 1– 83 |
7.2 | Rational Exponents | 462-463 | EOO: 1 – 85 |
7.3 | Simplifying Radical Expressions | 469-470 | 1 – 71 |
7.4 |
Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions |
474-475 |
EOO: 1 – 75 |
7.5 |
Rationalizing Denominators and Numerators of Radical Expressions |
481-482 | odds: 1 -49 |
7.6 |
Radical Equations and Problem Solving |
492 – 496 |
EOO: 1 – 49 & odds: 51-69 |
7.7 | Complex Numbers | 503-504 | 1 - 71 |
Chapter 7 Test | 513 | 1-31 | |
8.1 |
Solving Quadratic Equations by completing the Square |
526-528 |
EOO: 1 – 73, & 99,101,105 |
8.2 |
Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula |
537-540 |
EOO: 1 – 61 & 51 |
8.3 |
Solving Equations by Using Quadratic Methods |
546-549 |
EOO: 1 – 53 & 63 |
8.4 |
Non-Linear Inequalities in One Variable |
557-559 |
EOO: 1 – 53 |
8.5 | Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs | 566-567 | 1-25 |
8.6 |
Further Graphing of Quadratic Functions |
574-576 |
1 – 11, EOO: 13 - 41 |
Chapter 8 Test | 521 – 522 | 1-20 |
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