Problema Solution

The length of a rectangle is 5m more than twice its width, and the area of the rectangle is 63m^2 . Find the dimensions of the rectangle.

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let the length be l and the width be w.

the length is 5 for than twice the width so you have the equation:

l = 2w + 5

the area, length*width, is 63, so you have:

w*l= 63 

substitute the equation for l

w(2w+5) = 63 solve for w

2w2+5w = 63 get the equation to equal zero so you can factor and solve

2w2+5w-63 = 0 now factor

(2w-9)(w+7) = 0 set each part equal to zero and solve for w

2w - 9 = 0

2w = 9

w = 9/2 = 4.5


w+7 = 0

w = -7 width can't be negative so use the first result

w = 4.5 

substitute this into the equation for l

l = 2w+5

l = 2(4.5) + 5

l = 9+5

l = 14

so the length is 14m and the width is 4.5m