Problema Solution

a jet plane traveling at 550mph overtakes a propeller plane traveling at 200mph that had a 4-hour head start. how far from the starting point are the planes

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v1 = 500 mph the speed of the jet plane

t1 = the time of the travel of the jet plane until the meeting with the propeller plane

v2 = 200 mph the speed of the propeller plane

t2 = the time of the travel of the propeller plane until the meeting with the jet plane

since the propeller plane had 4-hours head start we have

t2 = t1 + 4

since distance = speed*time we have

v1*t1 = v2*t2

550t1 = 200t2 divide both sides by 100

5.5t1 = 2t2

by solving the system of equations

t2 = t1 + 4

5.5t1 = 2t2

we find

t1 = 8/3.5 hr

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the distance = v1*t1 = 550*(8/3.5) = 1,257.14 miles