The Topic of Algebra Course 3 - Chapter 2

Items marked A, B, C are increasing in difficulty. Group “A” questions are the most basic while Group “C” are
the most difficult and require higher levels of thinking skills. The level of difficulty is only relative to the same
section. All problems include random number generation . [n] indicates n problems types are available in the

Section 2.1
Objective: Students will be able to order integers and find absolute value.

2_1 Comparing Integers [4] – Fill in the blanks ordering integers. Note: Do not enter spaces before or after
the numbers.
2_1 Opposite & Abs Value [3] – Find the opposite and absolute value of a number .
2_1 Greater or Less Than [2] – Insert < or > between two values .
2_1 Greater/Less Multiple Select [4] – Select all correct statements from the four inequality statements
listed. More than one statement may be correct.

Section 2.2
Objective: Students will be able to add integers .

2_2 Sum of 2 numbers(12 Max) [4] – Add two integers with values between -12 and 12.
2_2 Sum of 3 numbers (12 max) [5] – Add three integers with values between -12 and 12.
2_2 Sum of 2 numbers(110 Max) [4] – Add two integers with values between 1-10 and 110.
2_2 Sum of 3 numbers (110 max) [5] – Add three integers with values between -110 and 110.

Section 2.3
Objective: Students will be able to subtract integers.

2_3 Subtract 2 numbers(12 Max) [4] – Subtract two integers with values between -12 and 12.
2_3 Subtract 2 numbers(50 Max) [4] – Subtract two integers with values between -50 and 50.
2_3 Subtract 3 numbers(12 max) [6] – Subtract three integers with values between -12 and 12.
2_3 Subtract 3 numbers(50 max) [6] – Subtract three integers with values between -50 and 50.
2_3 Eval Var Exp [9] – Evaluate expressions with variables.

Section 2.4
Objective: Students will be able to multiply integers.

2_4 Multiply Integers [4] – Multiply two integers with values from -9 to 9.
2_4 Multiply 3 Integers [4] – Multiply three integers with values from -9 to 9.
2_4 Multiply var expressions A [4] – Multiply variable expressions such as xy - yz
2_4 Multiply Var Express Powers B [3] – Multiply variable expressions with powers such as x 2 + 3x.

Section 2.5
Objective: Students will be able to divide integers .

2_5 Dividing Integers [4] – Dividing two integers. Quotient is an integer.
2_5 Mean [4] – Find the mean of a data set with 4 to 7 members. Mean is an integer value.
2_5 Divide Var Expressions [4] – Divide expressions with variables. Quotient is an integer.

Section 2.6
Objective: Students will be able to use properties to evaluate expressions.

2_6 Property Matching – Match an expression with commutative, associative, or identity properties of
addition and multiplication.
2_6 Using Add. Properties [3] – Using properties to simplify addition /subtraction.
2_6 Using Mult Properties[3] – Using properties to simplify multiplication.

Section 2.7
Objective: Students will be able to use the distributive property.

2_7 Distributive Prop A [4] – Distribute a(x ± b) with a positive or negative.
2_7 Combine Like Terms A [4] – Combine like terms of binomials ax ± bx.
2_7 Combine Like Terms B [6] – Combine like terms of polynomials with four terms.
2_7 Dist and Comb Like Terms C [6] – Use the distributive property and combine like terms.

Section 2.8
Objective: Students will be able to identify and plot points in a coordinate plane.

2_8 Match Coordinate Points [2] – Match the coordinate point with a labeled point on a graph.
2_8 Find Coordinate Points [12] – Given a point on a graph, write the coordinate pair (x, y).

Lincoln Public Schools – Math 8 – McDougal Littell Middle School Math Course 3

Please note: This demo is a one problem sample from each topic. All problems are random
number problems and consist of multiple types for each topic.

2_1 Comparing Integers [4] – Fill in the blanks ordering integers. Note: Do not enter spaces
before or after the numbers.

Your answer:
Your response

Order the integers from least to greatest :

Smallest Number: -25
Next Larger: -17
Next Larger: -9
Next Larger: 2
Next Larger: 12
Next Larger: 20
Largest Number: 28

2_1 Opposite & Abs Value [3] – Find the opposite and absolute value of a number.

Your answer:
Your response

Write the opposite and the absolute value of the integer.

Opposite of 0 is 0
Absolute Value of 0 is 0

The OPPOSITE of a NEGATIVE number is a POSITIVE number.
The OPPOSITE of ZERO is 0.


2_1 Greater or Less Than [2] – Insert < or > between two values.
Your response
Complete the statement with < or >.

Your answer:
Your response
Complete the statement with < or >.
0 > -5

2_1 Greater/Less Multiple Select [4] – Select all correct statements from the four inequality
statements listed. More than one statement may be correct.

Check the box beside each statement which is correct.

Choice Selected
- 12 < 8 Yes [answer withheld]
- 12 > - 82 Yes [answer withheld]
- 9 < 8 Yes [answer withheld]
41 > 18 Yes [answer withheld]

Total correct answers: 4
Partial Grading Explained

Comment: All statements are correct:
- 12 > - 82
- 9< 8
- 12< 8
41 > 18

2_2 Sum of 2 numbers(12 Max) [4] – Add two integers with values between - 12 and 12.
Find the sum.
-11+ 5 =

Answer: - 6
Find the sum.
- 11+ 5

Numbers are opposite sign.
Subtract the absolute value of the numbers and use the sign of the larger absolute value
- 11 + 5 = - 6

2_2 Sum of 3 numbers (12 max) [5] – Add three integers with values between -12 and 12.
Find the sum.
- 1 + 11 + 8 =

Your Answer: 18
 Find the sum.
- 1 + 11 + 8 =

Add from left to right. Add the first two numbers - 1 + 11.
10 + 8 =

2_2 Sum of 2 numbers(110 Max) [4] – Add two integers with values between - 110 and 110.
Find the sum.

Your Answer: 23
Comment: Find the sum.

Both numbers are negative.
Add the numbers.

2_2 Sum of 3 numbers (110 max) [5] – Add three integers with values between -110 and 110.

Find the sum.

Your Answer: 78
Comment: Find the sum.

Add from left to right. Add the first two numbers
9 + 69 =

2_3 Subtract 2 numbers(12 Max) [4] – Subtract two integers with values between -12and 12.

Find the difference .

Your Answer: -12
Comment: Find the difference.

Change the subtraction to addition by adding the opposite.
Use the rules of addition .

2_3 Subtract 2 numbers(50 Max) [4] – Subtract two integers with values between -50 and 50.

Find the difference.

Your Answer: -6
Comment: Find the difference.

Change the subtraction to addition by adding the opposite.
Use the rules of addition.

- 6

2_3 Subtract 3 numbers(12 max) [6] – Subtract three integers with values between -12 and 12.

Find the sum.

Your Answer: - 4
Change subtraction to addition by adding the opposite.
Follow the rules of addition.

2_3 Subtract 3 numbers(50 max) [6] – Subtract three integers with values between - 50 and 50.

Find the sum.

Your Answer: -26
Change subtraction to addition by adding the opposite.
Follow the rules of addition.

2_3 Eval Var Exp [9] – Evaluate expressions with variables.
a = - 4, b = 11, and c = - 4
Evaluate the expression: c - 8 -a
Your Answer: - 8

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