Syllabus for Pre-Algebra

D. Unit Four: (Chapter Four) Fractions

1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit the student will be able to:
a. Identify the numerator and the denominator of a fraction .
b. Write a fraction to represent parts of figures or real-life data.
c. Graph fractions on a number line.
d. Review division properties of 0 and 1.
e. Write mixed numbers as improper fractions.
f. Write improper fractions as mixed numbers or whole numbers.
g. Write a number as a product of prime numbers.
h Write a fraction in simplest form.
i. Determine whether two fractions are equivalent.
j. Solve problems by writing fractions in simplest form.
k. Multiply fractions .
l. Evaluate exponential expressions with fractional bases.
m. Divide fractions.
n. Multiply and divide given fractional replacement values.
o. Solve applications that require multiplication of fractions.
p. Add or subtract like fractions.
q. Add and subtract given fractional replacement values.
r. Solve problems by adding or subtracting like fractions.
s. Find the least common denominator of a list of fractions.
t. Write equivalent fractions.
u. Add and subtract unlike fractions .
v. Write fractions in order.
w. Evaluate expressions given fractional replacement values.
x. Solve problems by adding or subtracting unlike fractions.
y. Simplify complex fractions .
z. Review the order of operations .
aa. Evaluate expressions given replacement values.
bb. Graph positive and negative fractions and mixed numbers.
cc. Multiply or divide mixed numbers or whole numbers.
dd. Add or subtract mixed numbers
ee. Solve problems containing mixed numbers.
ff. Perform operations on negative mixed numbers.
gg. Solve equations containing fractions.
hh. Solve equations by multiplying by the LCD.
ii. Review adding and subtracting fractions.

2. Learning Activities:
a. Discussion board (F5, F6, F7, F8)
b. Reading/homework assignments (F1, F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)
c. Computer Tutor (F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)

3. Unit Outline:
a. Section 4.1 Introduction to Fractions and Mix Numbers
b. Section 4.2 Factors and Simplest Form
c. Section 4.3 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
d. Section 4.4 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions, Least Common Denominator, and Equivalent Fractions
e. Section 4.5 Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
f. Section 4.6 Complex Fractions and Review of Order of Operations
g. Section 4.7 Operations on Mixed Numbers
h. Section 4.8 Solving Equations Containing Fractions

E. Unit Five: (Chapter Five) Decimals

1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit the student will be able to:
a. Know the meaning of place value for decimal number, and write decimals in words.
b. Write decimals in standard form.
c. Write decimals as fractions.
d. Compare decimals .
e. Round decimals to a given place value.
f. Add or subtract decimals.
g. Estimate when adding or subtracting decimals.
h. Evaluate expressions with decimal replacement values.
i. Simplify expressions containing decimals.
j. Solve problems that involve adding or subtracting decimals.
k. Multiply decimals.
l. Estimate when multiplying decimals.
m. Multiply decimals by powers of 10.
n. Evaluate expressions with decimal replacement values.
o. Find the circumference of a circle.
p. Solve problems by multiplying decimals.
q. Divide decimals.
r. Estimate when dividing decimals.
s. Divide decimals by powers of 10.
t. Evaluate expressions with decimal replacement values.
u. Solve problems by dividing decimals.
v. Write fractions as decimals.
w. Compare fractions and decimals.
x. Simplify expressions containing decimals and fractions using order of operations.
y. Solve area problems containing fractions and decimals.
z. Evaluate expressions given decimal replacement values.
aa. Solve equations containing decimals.
bb. Find the mean of a list of numbers.
cc. Find the median of a list of numbers.
dd. Find the mode of a list of numbers.

2. Learning Activities:
a. Discussion board (F5, F6, F7, F8)
b. Reading/homework assignments (F1, F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)
c. Computer Tutor (F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)

3. Unit Outline:
a. Section 5.1 Introduction to Decimals
b. Section 5.2 Adding and Subtracting Decimals
c. Section 5.3 Multiplying Decimals and Circumference of a Circle
d. Section 5.4 Dividing Decimals
e. Section 5.5 Fractions, Decimals and Order of Operations
f. Section 5.6 Equations Containing Decimals
g. Section 5.7 Decimal Applications: Mean, Median, and Mode

F. Unit Six: (Chapter Six) Ratio and Proportions

1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit the student will be able to:
a. Write ratios as fractions.
b. Write rates as fractions.
c. Find unit rates.
d. Find unit prices.
e. Write sentences as proportions.
f. Determine whether proportions are true.
g. Find an unknown number in a proportion.
h. Solve problems by writing proportions.
i. Find the square root of a number.
j. Approximate square roots.
k. Use the Pythagorean Theorem.
l. Decide whether two triangles are congruent.
m. Find the ratio of corresponding sides in similar triangles.
n. Find unknown lengths of sides in similar triangles.
o. Solve problems containing similar triangles.

2. Learning Activities:
a. Discussion board (F5, F6, F7, F8)
b. Reading/homework assignments (F1, F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)
c. Computer Tutor (F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)

3. Unit Outline:
a. Section 6.1 Ratios and Rates
b. Section 6.2 Proportions
c. Section 6.3 Proportions and Problem Solving
d. Section 6.4 Square Roots and Pythagorean Theorem
e. Section 6.5 Congruent and Similar Triangles

G. Unit Seven: (Chapter Seven) Percent

1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit the student will be able to:
a. Understand percent.
b. Write percents as decimals or fractions.
c. Write a decimals or fractions as percents.
d. Applications with percents, decimals, and fractions.
e. Write percent problems as equations.
f. Solve percent problems.
g. Write percent problems as proportions.
h. Solve percent problems.
i. Solve applications involving percent.
j. Find percent increase and percent decrease.
k. Calculate sales tax and total price.
l. Calculate commissions.
m. Calculate discount and sale price.
n. Calculate simple interest.
o. Calculate compound interest.

2. Learning Activities:
a. Discussion board (F5, F6, F7, F8)
b. Reading/homework assignments (F1, F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)
c. Computer Tutor (F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)

3. Unit Outline:
a. Section 7.1 Percents, Decimals, and Fractions b. Section 7.2 Solving Percent Problems with Equations
c. Section 7.3 Solving Percent Problems with Proportions
d. Section 7.4 Applications of Percent
e. Section 7.5 Percent and Problem Solving: Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount
e. Section 7.6 Percent Problem Solving: Interest

H. Unit Eight: (Chapter Eight) Graphing and Introduction to Statistics

1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit the student will be able to:
a. Plot points on a Rectangular Coordinate System.
b. Determine whether ordered pairs are solutions of equations.
c. Complete ordered-pair solutions of equations.
d. Graph linear equations by plotting points.

2. Learning Activities:
a. Discussion board (F5, F6, F7, F8)
b. Reading/homework assignments (F1, F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)
c. Computer Tutor (F2, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12)

3. Unit Outline:
a. Section 8.3 Rectangular Coordinate System and Paired Data
b. Section 8.4 Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables

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