Introductory Algebra


Introductory Algebra initiates development in students' ability to organize thought processes and systematically solve problems while preparing students for studies in other courses. Course emphasis includes manipulation of variables, exponential applications, introduction to factoring of polynomials, solving equations, systems of equations, and radicals. This course is intended for students who have not studied algebra but have a firm background in basic mathematics or who wish it as a review.


Textbook: Introductory Algebra Tenth Ed., by Marvin Bittinger; Publisher, Addison-Wesley

Access Code: access code is packaged within textbook or can be purchased separately.

Calculator: A basic calculator may be useful for some of the homework problems in the text and on-line, but will NOT be allowed on any quizzes, chapter exams, or final exam.


Given the need to develop a basic foundation in Algebra, the student will, through classroom activities, assignment and examination, complete the course with a minimum competency level in:

  Factors of numbers
  Orders of operations
 Simplify Algebraic expressions
 Commutative, Associative, and Distributive laws
 Solving linear equations and linear inequalities
 Translation of problems to equations and solving
 Scientific Notation
 Multiplying and factoring polynomials
 Solving quadratic equations
  Rational equations
  Graphing linear equations
  Systems of equations
 Parallel and perpendicular lines
 Graphing inequalities
  Radical expressions and equations
 Applications, formulas, and problem solving


Chapter R: Prealgebra Review  
Chapter 1: Real Number and Expressions  
Chapter 2: Solving Equations and Inequalities Exam 1 (Ch 1, 2)
Chapter 4: Exponents and Polynomial Operations  
Chapter 5: Factoring Polynomials Exam 2 (Ch 4, 5)
Chapter 6: Rational Expressions and Equations Exam 3 (Ch 6)
Chapter 3: Graphs of Linear Equations  
Chapter 7: Systems of Equations Exam 4 (Ch 3, 7)
Chapter 8: Radicals  
Chapter 9: Quadratic Equations (selected sections only) Exam 5 (Ch 8, 9)


1. Homework, quizzes, group work and/or projects as well as attendance will count for 20% of the course grade. (See Section Syllabus for further details.)

2. Chapter Tests are to be taken only on the scheduled date and will count for 60% of the course grade.

3. A comprehensive final exam determines 20% of the course grade. No calculator will be allowed on the final exam.

4. Attendance is required at all class meetings. Your attendance is part of your course grade and is the percentage of class days attended out of all of the scheduled class meetings. The purpose of the attendance policy is to promote good participation and to reward students for good academic practices.

Course grades will be calculated and letter grades assigned as follows:


Homework/Quizzes/Attendance 20%
Chapter Tests 60%
Final Exam 20%
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
0 - 59 F


1. As published in the MSU-Bozeman Registration Handbook, this course has a COMMON HOUR FINAL EXAM.

MATH101 – Thursday, May 7, 2009 – 2:00-3:50 AM – Room TBA

The following is an excerpt from the Registration Handbook:
Final exams are scheduled by the Registrar, and they may not be rescheduled or given prior to the start of the final examination period.

2. Students with documented disabilities, whether physical, cognitive or psychological, are entitled to reasonable accommodations in their classes. If you would like to use accommodations for this class, please contact appropriate Disability Services office to make arrangements.

For MSU-Bozeman degree-seeking students, contact Disability Services at 994-2824 or in 155 Strand Union Building (SUB).

For MSU-GF COT degree-seeking students, contact the Director of Disability and Learning Support Services, Kathy Meier, at (406) 771-4311.

3. The MSU-GF COT Academic Integrity Policy and appeals process can be found in full in the current MSUGF catalog. The following is an excerpt:

Copying - Using crib notes, cheat sheets, books, or other material, resource or electronic device as aids in an examination or any other graded exercise, unless the instructor of the class has given permission to use such materials. Collaborating with another student or students on an examination or other graded exercise, without instructor permission. Contributing to violations of Academic Integrity - Knowingly assisting another student in an act which violates academic integrity.

Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated at MSU-Great Falls College of Technology. The consequence for the first such violation is at the discretion of the instructor and may range from a failing grade for the particular assignment/test to a failing grade in the course in which the act of academic dishonesty occurred.

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