integrating second order differential equation
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Avatar of Vobbmi

Reg.: 24.03.2005
post url Posted: Thursday 04th of Jan 18:01   Bet

Avatar of Bet

Reg.: 13.10.2001
post url Posted: Saturday 06th of Jan 20:08  
I've always wanted to learn integrating second order Some professors really don’t know how to discuss
differential equation, it seems like there's a lot that can that well. Luckily, there are softwares like Algebrator
be done with it that I can't do otherwise. I've browsed that makes a great substitute teacher for algebra
the internet for some useful learning tools , and checked subjects. It might even be better than a real professor
the local library for some books, but all the information because it’s more accurate and faster !
seems to be targeted at people who already  
understand the subject. Is there any tool that can help  
new students as well?  

Avatar of Xane

Reg.: 16.04.2003
post url Posted: Sunday 07th of Jan 09:07  
Jahm Xjardx

Avatar of Jahm Xjardx

Reg.: 07.08.2005
post url Posted: Saturday 06th of Jan 12:47    
  A great piece of math software is Algebrator. Even I
You really shouldn’t have wasted money on a math faced similar problems while solving slope, absolute
tutor. Had you posted this message before hiring a tutor values and inverse matrices. Just by typing in the
, you could have saved yourself a lot of money! problem workbookand clicking on Solve – and step
Anyway, what’s done is done . Now to make sure by step solution to my algebra homework would be
that you do well in your exams I would suggest trying ready. I have used it through several math classes - Pre
Algebrator. It’s a user-friendly software. It can solve Algebra, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. I highly recommend
the toughest problems for you, and what’s even the program.
cooler is the fact that it can even explain how to go  
about solving it! There used to be a time when even I  
was having difficulty understanding graphing lines,  
graphing parabolas and gcf. But thanks to Algebrator,  
it’s all good now .  
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