Problema Solution

Don runs a charity fruit sale, selling boxes of oranges for $11 and boxes of grapefruit for $10. If he sold a total of 762 boxes and his total income was $8125, how many boxes of oranges did he sell?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the number of boxes of oranges

y = the number of boxes of grapefruit

he sold total of 762 boxes thus

x + y = 762

income from selling x boxes of oranges + the income from y boxes of grapefruit = total income

11*x + 10*y = 8125

by solving the system of equations

x + y = 762

11*x + 10*y = 8125

we find

x = 505 boxes of oranges

y = 257 boxes of grapefruit

Don sold 505 boxes of oranges.