Problema Solution

Julia began driving from Denver to Santa Fe, New Mexico. When she was 120 miles from Denver, she engaged her cruise control to travel at a constant speed. 90 minutes later, she was 219 miles from Denver. Let f be a function that gives Julia’s distance in miles from Denver as a function of the time in minutes elapsed since she engaged the cruise control (CC).

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219 - 120 = 99 miles

in units of miles per minute, her cruise control was set to:

99/90 = 1.1

let 't' represent the time in minutes Julia has driven since she engaged the cruise control, then the distance, f(t), from Denver can be calculated as:

f(t) = 219 - 1.1t

the function is "f(t)=219 - 1.1t"

a correction! On my first read I was thinking "driving to Denver" rather than "driving from Denver", so the correct solution should be:

f(t) = 120 + 1.1t

219 - 120 = 99 miles

in units of miles per minute, her cruise control was set to:

99/90 = 1.1

let 't' represent the time in minutes Julia has driven since she engaged the cruise control, then the distance, f(t), from Denver can be calculated as:

f(t) = 120 + 1.1t

the function is "f(t)=120 + 1.1t"