Problema Solution

at a high schooll, the number of students who study computer science is twice the number who study economics. The total number of students enrolled in these courses is greater than 600. Find the range of the number of students who study economics.

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Let 'x' be the number of students that study computer science (x > 0 and x is integer)

Let 'y' be the number of students that study economics (y > 0 and y is integer)

Now we have

x = 2y

x + 2y > 600

We need to find the range of y.

Using the fact that x = 2y in the equation x + 2y > 600 we have

2y + 2y > 600

4y > 600

y > 600 / 4

y > 150

By definition: the range of a data set represents the difference between the largest and smallest values in the set.

In our case the data set is {151, 152, 153.....M},

with smallest value 151 and largest value is the maximum number of students who can study economics (we denoted that number with M) since in real life we can not have an infinite number of students studying economics.

Therefore the range of this data set is M - 151.